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Lost days, pictures fade.
Saturday, March 27, 2010

I've moved to tumblr!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

Watching charity just now, on channel 8.
It made me feel for it, and totally feel like donating, and calling in.
Even though i've done my part on saturday by going around to ask for donation.

there's the old man they interviewed, in the charity show.
He said he had his first stroke in 1996, and after he recovered from everything, he had numerous strokes that followed throughout his years, till today.
and today he's walking with a cane, and had difficulty walking all around.

counting back,
I was 2 years old in year 1996.
when he was having numerous strokes and all his sufferings, i was whining about studies, life, my parents
Having a not-so-good-life and everything.
Never thought of the other people living at the other side of the world , living in such amount of agony.
It hurt to see them like that,
I suddenly had the urge to be their relatives, so that i can do whatever to help him...
But it was impossible to.
So i guess, the least i could do, or anyone could do, is to donate generously to all charity organisations to help everyone possible, who's in need of such desperate help.

please reach out your loving hand to help the needs.
Feel blessed, that you're still living, at the very least.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Awesome flag day with all my other peers!
went to school with elysia, cos she stayed over @ my house yesterday, if you're read the previous post.

4/7 and 4/8 had to go to AMK for flag day.
Trained to AMK HUB with serene, jingwen, peiyi, amir and practically half the school, bcos everyone had to take mrt to their destination. everyone was just in different cabins!
We wanted to camp @ the mrt station, but we saw some Riversidians taking the place already, so we just left and search other places.
and while we were walking pass amk hub, we couldnt pick up any courage to ask around if they could donate. so we continued to walk, until we walked out of the building then we heard from the security people, we aint suppose to ask for donations in the hub, but only outside, so we had to no choice to just move out to the shophouses.

We split up to look for places , so that we wont be searching for the same people @ the same time. I was walking pass the POSB area and realised that was a good place to ask for donations , so i started to camp there.
But till i realise we couldnt stand @ places that had cameras, so i moved away.
and for a moment i was just standing there, calling out for people to donate but all just shoved me aside, or treated me like transparent.
Stood somewhere further away from the bank. where i had flow of people coming from the bank, and also from the parking lots.
It was an awesome spot, because people who walked there, 70% of them havent seen anyone that has asked for donations! so i was the first they saw, and thus i got their wonderful and generous donations!
which was really kind of them .

i stood there the entire time from 930am-1030am. and that's a whole hour! and please dont underestimate the power of this one hour!
It made me realise, what type of singaporeans or rather people living in singapore were.
It's heart warming to see people taking out coins from their wallets to 'tong' into the tin! I was happy, perhaps for myself and also for someone who needs their help.
But there were people who were just plainly tooo selfish and everything to help out.
I see people walking with a pocket with coins, that swing so hard, and rung to hard, that it seemed like it called me to take them, but their owner just stubbornly refuse to take them out and put it into the tin!
I mean if you're not so rich, or just simply dont have small change, a 5 cent would do too! But do you not even have 10cents ringing in that heavy pocket of yours? i guess you're simply selfish.

I dont blame people who're rushing for time, and everything , and hence not donate.
Cos well, i do that too when i see people with tins.
But people who ain't rushing for time, walking so slowly, and see me from a distance, guess what they did! they made a huge huge detour just to avoid, how sad is that huh. and when i say huge, it really meant huge.
I thought you could just simply walk pass me and say sorry, i dont want to. like all the 198325678945412539432 people who did that to me or probably all the other riversidians today!
You just took a wasted effort to avoid me, cos you would probably meet another of my clone, in the next corner. how many HUGE detours do you wna make?
What to do when you see this? Just put in a coin, and get a sticker, everyone would just stop asking you for money.
And we're doing this for charity for god sake! We're not begging for money.
And so are you, put in that coin, who knows whose life you would save!

I get to see people who would just ignore you when i said so loudly to their ears: 'hi. would you like to donate?'
People with headphones was even nice enough to say, it's ok thanks.
It's not like they can hear me @ that point of time when i asked them that, but they replied nicely! gosh, ignoring is worst thing you could do to anyone, and esp for charity!
Oh gosh, riversidians, i totally unds how you feel to see these people and still have to smile to them when they ignore you, or just say no thanks, when they really see you working so hard to get that few coins from their pockets into your tin!

I also see people carrying gucci/LV bags, and carrying a whole lot expensive stuffs, and not willing to stop and just donate a few cents! what is this becoming to ....

Enough said about people with negative behaviours.
Guess they would understand what's the importance of that few cents to someone's live.

i have amazing nice people who donates THRICE!
i see them with 2 stickers on their shirts and, i didnt want to ask, bcos they've done their part, but they willingly and so generously put in somemore coins!
It was just awesomely nice!
I have parents who told their kids to donate money to me, and even said: ' next time when you grow up, you must learn from jiejie, come out and help and do things for charity! '

it was so niceeee of them.
And i have super understanding and smart kids who told their parents off.
everyone in their family has donated except their mother, and the kid scolded her off : ' Mummy! why you always dont want to donate! Not good leh'
They were only probably just younger than 5years! and they can say such things!
If i would thank, i would thank this truly nice people who helped the people in need, and indirectly helped me to fill up my tin so that i t was so heavy!
I have nice uncles who barely can support themselve to just fork out 20cents to put into my tin, for charity, anything would do.

During this one hour, i've seen people who are inconsiderate, selfish, self-centred, considerate, nice, generous, understanding, sympathetic.
All of which contradicts one another.
but i guess, deep down, everyone would know how important to help the others who're in need , @ the other part of the island.
Just bcos people who are near you ain't in need of such desperate help, but please visit websites and everything to know about these people.

Sometimes people are just so busy with their own work, and rushing from here to there, and seem to be only living in their own world, should really stop and watch what's going around them.
i admit it isnt easy, but i would make you appreciate your life more.
Because you would know how many people would benefit a whole lot, from your mere donations.

Sometimes you're just so busy, you've got no time to pick up the phone to call up during charity shows to donate, which is okay.
But! when the tin is sent right into your face already, why not? just spare a minute, to take out your coins to put it in, guess it doesnt hurt to do that, does it?
You will too, benefit from it. Trust me.

So people, when someone asks for donation, do it generously from your heart,
It will make you feel good, and @ the same time benefit someone else.

Yes, good job my peers.
You've endured all the rejections by 982765467829 people! and still put a sweet and lovely smile on your face to just show the least respect for others.
you will be rewarded in one way or another.



Thursday! / Day1.

Met yihui then headed for chalet @ downtown east, to meet the rest who were already there. Has awesome and funny talks with yihui. oh yes, and she has this really really classic game thing, which was really cool. Once she took it out from her bag, everyone stared @ her! okay, i suck at tetris . I tried to complete a level in their itouch/iphone, but none of the attempts suceeded! ugh.

Had bbq @ the chalet.
and yes, credits to melody and hazel, thanks so much for setting up the fire and helping me us with the food, till you guys didnt even had the chance to eat much, and had to leave @ 10pm. W/o you guys, i guess we'll probably just starve to death, cos all of us didn't know how to bbq the food properly and all! Although, the hot dogs that you guys bbq weren't even 'cooked' @ times, it was okay! hahah. and apologies to melody! who told me help her break the chicken wings but i only stood there and take pictures! oh yes, im taking pictures of you girls doing the work, so guess, i did my part huh. whatever it is , thanks!

Wanted to go over to ehub, for kbox. But it was booked fully all the way to 2am, so we couldnt go, but instead, reserved for the next day @ 11am.
They were playing this stress game thing with poker cards, and you didn't read wrongly, the game is called- stress. It was super hilarious, cos all of us got to see michelle's not so glam part, and the part when she's on the verge on losing & what she does so to not lose face! and it was some game that they were playing, made all of them screamed every 3 seconds! it was plainly horrendous to hear them scream in the chalet @ 1am! I was just quietly waiting for someone to complain and they get scolded! but no one came.

I couldnt take the screams and all, and i couldnt stand myself on medication and not sleeping. So i knocked out @ 230am! And girls, please stop saying i took one whole pillow and blanket to myself!! Elysia Goh was the one who said she wanted to sleep beside me! so i slept soooo to the side, and only took half the pillow! so that she could join me later in the morning, but in the end, when i woke up @ around 4 plus, i saw her sleeping in the cabinet next to the bed! i dont know what she was doing there, but i was so tired to ask her, so i just assumed she didnt want to sleep beside me, so i took the whole bed to myself, and also everything to myself! and when i woke up, i have a million of people saying i was the luckiest,and how mean i was to take away elysia's sleeping area!

ELYSIA GOH, answer me truthfully when did i huh. you deprived yourself from that chance okay! haha.

Friday. Day 2

Had breakfast @ macs over @ downtown east.
Waited for time to pass, and went to kbox @ 11am.
I had to leave there @ 1230 because i had to meet, serene, amir, peiyi, tanjing for a movie @ town. But i dragged and dragged, till 1pm. and only boarded the mrt only @ 110pm! gosh, i thought i would be awfully late, but i wasnt really late, cos they just reached not long ago!
Lucky me!
caught alice in the wonderland, and it was so-so. but it wasn't really as amazingly nice as i expcted it to be! oh well.
Had dinner @ heeren, japanese food!

Guess my girls were having fun @ the chalet!
But i heard from elysia, all of them weren't really feeling okay, due to some stuffs. Cheer up kay!
Yes, michelle oh, cheer up kay!

Elysia came over to my house to overnight! Had super long talks with her throughout the night. so super nice of her to not let me sleep when it was already 12 midnight, and we had to wake up @ like 630am today!!
She told me she only slept @ 1am, and i guess i kinda slept abit earlier.
and I fell asleep while talking to her! it was super funny.
We woke up @ 7am, and both of us were rushing to get changed, wash up, tie our hair, then left the house! Thanks a lot, mummy! for preparing breakfast so early in the morning for us.
Oh yes, a beautiful day to start Flag day!

This is already a very lengthy post! so i shall continue the post for flag day on another post!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A thousand words unsaid.
I told you how much, why, what.
But none was heard.
I was still neglected by you. Yes, life's all so different. if only i could leave all these behind. But i can't bear to, cause i still pin hopes.

Gosh, a million of reprimands, a mountain of things to account for. All for a good cause? i hope. so much for all of you to learn. There's too much for me to pass on, you guys gotta learn on your own, i guess.

ah yes, tanjing, thanks for calming me down! else, i'll probably just faint on the spot.

Ah , tomorrow's netball chalet, and alll my darlings are coming back tomorrow!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's been tiring ever since the start of this.
But it's all worth it.
It's great to see all the smiles on people's faces, although i could only, with one eye.

12th march,
a day of anticipation, and a day to prove our hard work.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yes, like i told my darling cdiv today. read my blog!
following is for you girls!

Thankyou for making me scream @ you girls, and make me lose my voice after every training.
Making me all so worried cos you girls cannot perform well, and give me weird and abnormal passes @ different parts of the training. And all the painful and tiring drills that i ask you girls to do, scream @ you, whenever you girls ain't having enough initiative. But cdiv, you're the only batch that makes me feel comfortable with as juniors so easily and quickly.
Guess i've seen you girls grow from one year to one year, in terms of skills, speed, stamina, attidude. You girls, are amazing!
& especially today, you girls are superbly sweet!
Thanks for noticing that I wasn't alright during training. Thanks for noticing that I was practically showing it out right in my expressions, and bearing all the scream i took on you girls!
Today's probably the last day that i would be training you girls, so please give your support to michelle and dont make her end up losing her voice like me okay!
Lastlyyyy, THANK YOU GIRLS A MILLION, for saying so loudly,'i love chelsea'.
It was super sweet yeah, really appreciate that!


Pictures being uploaded below, was taken during cousin's birthday!

mum, i'll cherish you more than you can imagine.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

School's been really okay these days.
Just lessons being dry as per usual, there isn't much to lessons anw, since exams are over.
Yes, and i did really badly this time's common test.
pressure, distractions? guess everything comes in together.

oh yes, sports carnival is coming!
Go out there and have fun!
Forecast: 12th March .

But, who said forecast was always 100 percent true?
So just go out there and accept whatever that comes along.

Hard work will pay off eventually.

It's simply too hard to pick myself up from so many of these.
They're gone, and really to somewhere far away.
I hold back, i drown myself with work.
so just to kill the thoughts of them,
and breaking down.
you're not as strong, as you thought you were huh, chelsea.

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Monday, March 8, 2010

you come and go when you like it to.
Who am i to trust.
I guess, there's nothing that's happily after.

god, see me through.
I've 2 angels watching me right now, from heaven.
I love em, and yes i really do.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

give me a space to breathe.
stop my pretendance.

I just need something simple, someone to lean on.